Rainbow trout has been giving salmon a run for the money in our house.
A friend of mine told me I had to try rainbow trout, she said ‘you gotta try it, I like it better than salmon’.
So on my next shopping trip I picked up some trout, already cleaned and sliced in half with the skin still on. I cooked it the simplest way possible. And yes I would have to agree with my friend, it did taste better than salmon.
What a nice change, a definite ‘must try’, and it takes only minutes to make.
Turn oven on broil.
On medium high, heat 2 tablespoons cooking oil in a stainless steel pan on top of stove.
Add fish, skin side down. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and olive oil.
Fry 2 minutes. (Remove extra oil in pan before placing under broiler to prevent fire)
Place frying pan in oven a few inches under broiler for about 5-7 minutes. Make sure that your frying pan is 100% oven safe, no plastic or rubber handles.